Thursday, June 1, 2017

Books, books, books!

It has been quite a transformational time for me during these past couple of years. So much so, that enjoying the process of life became the necessary and most productive aspect of developing myself and my career. I say 'career' with a smile because my work here has always been somewhat behind the scenes as a cheerleader of growth and learning for myself and others. Although writing a book does put a person 'out there.'

Let's see. After publishing Just In Time, which is available on Amazon, (a feat in and of itself,) I continued in the writing arena by helping others publish their own works via various outlets. Three friends who attended my book signing, went on to write and publish their works of art. Pretty awesome, right?

Rae Jacob put a compilation of AHA moments together with her book, Acupuncture for the Soul.

What a powerful group of healer friends and intuitives. This book carries it's own special energy and is a great book for snippets of AHA inspiration. A dream come true for Rae. She felt Grandma Rose with her all along the way. Ha! Of course Grandma continued to be heard. Rae often sent me notes of thanks for sharing Grandma with her. Always great to have an allie on the other side.

Soon after, my Aunt Gloria asked for help with her story, A Walk Down Memory Lane.

Her honest and familial account of her family's history is a treasure for those who know her and want to recall the traditions of an immigrant family's success in their new country.

Anyone who has written an account of their life can tell you that it is one of the hardest and yet most rewarding experiences of their life. It is work, but the best healing work one can do. And so many times, "life" happens at a quickened learning rate during the "work." My aunt Gloria was diagnosed and surpassed breast cancer during her writing and publishing dates. Funny how that works.

It's almost as thought the universe says, "Oh she's so busy right now, she won't notice how wonderfully we are changing her." At least this is how I felt when God place my mom in my home to live with us during my writing time. Whew. Siempre algo.

Very soon after, my long time friend, Judy Cochrane, who had spoken of writing her book for years, began to put pen to paper, or in her case, fingers to keyboard, and wrote thousands of words about her experience of gaining, losing and learning. Eleven Days; From 35 Million to Food Stamps What a Family Gains When Losing The American Dream

You want raw, real and heart-opening? Then just check it out! Every book has something special to offer and this one is a source of healing empowerment beyond anything I have ever read. It comes with a disclaimer though. The first part is bumpy, difficult and challenging to get through. Mostly because Judy's life at that time was just the same. Not easy for empathetic journey-goers like myself. But stick it out because the humor and tears that follow are well worth the angst.

Here's a link for Just In Time; How To Find Joy and Synchronicity In Every Moment.

Any writer appreciates reviews, especially if you enjoyed their work. It builds momentum for that writer and is an easy way to say 'thank you' for making your mark here in this world. And reviews can be as simple as "I loved it!" or "What a treat to read." It doesn't have to be philosophical or time-consuming. We appreciate any and all reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, B& all helps.

Happy summer reading. I personally LOVE reading a good book and living in the space of LIFE. Enjoy

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