Tuesday, December 17, 2013

At Last

At Last! My first book is almost available in print and on kindle and it has only taken me years of dedication and perseverance to complete it. Writing has always been a special part of my life and although many of the stories I share are from years past, the ability to compile and create a free-flowing book is truly a dream come true.

I read the first few chapters to Kelly the other night. He hadn't read it until then, if you can believe that. I asked him what he thought I was doing all of those days and hours and nights; sitting downstairs at my desk, tapping away at the keys. He laughed and said, "You're a writer!" Funny. Thankfully for me, he loved it.

And in keeping with the theme, the timing is perfect. My fiftieth birthday is this Friday. The birthday most women see as pivotal. Entering a new phase of this lifetime is divinely connected to the timing of my first book being published. It feels as though I am entering a period of self-realization and empowerment unlike any other decade before.

Just in Time.

Some of my girlfriends took me out to celebrate as we often do for each others birthdays. They have the wisdom and grace and blessing of having celebrated a few more than me. OK, about ten or so more than me. So when this birthday came up, they were thrilled. Their gift - a beautiful grey and cream bed pillow with large lettered words....AT LAST. Now we are all at least fifty. Well almost.

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